Monday, July 23, 2007

One week to go

Well, just got back from Hispanic Campmeeting... I'm beyond tired... Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING hurts... But it was a good experience. The preacher our conference's youth director brought this year has by FAR been the best one so far!!! Very moving...

I feel a little bad though. Like if I wasted a whole week when I could have been getting ready to leave... But then again, time spent with God is NEVER wasted!!!! And some interesting things happened at camp. Particularly the last Saturday (July 22)...

First, the director of Hispanic Ministries for the Greater New York Conference found out that Rebecca (my friend from Andrews) are both going to Palau and he decided to tell EVERYONE about it. Yah... and the way he chose to do that was to call Rebecca and I up to the platform Saturday norming during the adult Sabbath School program and tell people about it. Yeah, we (more like I) had to explain where Palau was and why we were going and all that good stuff infront of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people. Then Pr. Torres said that he had asked us how we were paying for all our expenses and commented on how Rebecca had said that it was all up to God and sponsors. So Pr. Torres announced that if anyone wanted to help us out that it would be greatly appreciated.

So Rebecca and I are now waiting to see if anyone felt the need (hahaha) to help us out. So please pray for us. I'm still missing like $400 or so from the $2600 I had to fundraise, but Rebecca is missing like $2000 from the $3500 she had to fundraise to go as a SM from Andrews. Her processing fee was $1000, compared to my $100... It's kinda crazy if you ask me.

I really want Rebecca to go... I feel bad for saying this, but I almost feel like if I "NEED" her to go, and I don't want to say that because I don't want to jinx it. I know this should be a year of depending completely in God. And I'm willing to do that. But it would be 10 times easier to spend so much time away if I have someone close. God is in control right? I need to start believing what I keep telling her... If God brought her this far, He is not going to leave her half way there. PLUS He knows I need the moral support...

One week to go... At this time next Sunday I'll be in Hawaii

God is in CONTROL!!!

1 comment:

laSonya said...

I feel ya! I am still 700 short of the 3,500. But one thing I have learned this summer is that God's timing is perfect. Just don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough to worry about and don't worry about anything instead tell God what you need and thank Him for what He has already done in your life.
Love ya!